The Gentle & Calming Influence of Music on Autism Spectrum Disorders Music does profound things to your brain, in a good way! This is especially true for individuals with autism and those supporting people with autism. The Listening… Tags Advanced Brain, Advanced Brain Technologies, APD Treatment, ASD, Autism, Autism Acceptance, Autism Awareness, Autism Parents, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autistic, Disability Awareness, Listening Program, listening therapy, mental health, music, music therapy, occupational therapy, Special Education, Special Needs Family, Spectrum, speech therapy, The Listening Program, tlp Read more
Music for All Ages and Abilities: Discover TLP’s Four Core Programs Millions of people across the globe, some with diagnoses, others without, ranging in age from 2 years old to 100, enjoy the benefits of The Listening Program… Tags ADHD, attention, Autism, brain health, communication, Emotional Regulation, Executive Function, Focus, learning, learning disability, listening therapy, music listening therapy, music therapy, Sensory Processing, sound sensitivity, Speech Skills, tbi, The Listening Program, Therapeutic Music, Thinking, tlp Read more
The Listening Program®, a Brain-Centered Approach for Developmental Disabilities “Your Brain is Better On Music.” The simple but profound truth spoken by Alex Doman at TEDx is the foundation of hope for people worldwide, wanting a… Tags Advanced Brain Technologies, alex doman, Brain, Developmental Delays, Developmental Disabilities, Disability, Inclusion, listening therapy, music, music listening therapy, music therapy, The Listening Program, Therapeutic Music Read more
The Listening Program to Improve Auditory Processing Disorders The ability to hear and understand what is heard are two separate things that can profoundly affect a person's life. When someone’s auditory processing skills are impaired,… Tags APD, APD Treatment, auditory processing, Brain, hearing, listening therapy, music therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, The Listening Program, Therapeutic Music, Therapeutic Music for the Brain, TLP Level One Read more
How Music Promotes Emotional Regulation for All Ages When stress, fear, and anxiety are present, navigating our emotions mindfully is an essential skill to possess. The Listening Program is a proven music listening therapy to… Tags anxiety, brain training, depression, Emotional Regulation, listening therapy, Mood Altering Music, Music for Regulation, music therapy, The Listening Program Read more
Nearly Nonverbal To Thriving Adult: Calming Music for Autism “99% of the people I meet have no clue I even have an autism diagnosis. The Listening Program has really helped me integrate into society where otherwise… Tags ADHD, ASD, Autism, communication, music therapy, non-verbal, nonverbal, PDD-NOS, sensory processing disorder, SPD, speech, speech therapy, The Listening Program Read more
Stressed? Anxious? Feeling overwhelmed? We are Here to Help you Reset for FREE Now more than ever, people are mentally and emotionally strained due to the current pandemic beneath their feet. The new “norm” has so many feeling on edge… Tags alex doman, anxiety, music therapy, Press Release, stress, The Listening Program Read more
Meet the Therapist – Kylie Fangaloka Meet the Therapist is a new video series by Tracey Butler, Director of Links to Learning in Australia. Tracey is our international representative for Australia and New… Tags links to learning, listening therapy, meet the therapist, music listening therapy, music therapy Read more
Meet the Therapist – Karen Petersen Meet the Therapist is a new video series by Tracey Butler, Director of Links to Learning in Australia. Tracey is our international representative for Australia and New… Tags links to learning, listening therapy, meet the therapist, music listening therapy, music therapy Read more
Meet the Therapist – Sandy Egan Meet the Therapist is a new video series by Tracey Butler, Director of Links to Learning in Australia. Tracey is our international representative for Australia and New… Tags links to learning, listening therapy, meet the therapist, music listening therapy, music therapy Read more
Meet the Therapist – Prue Watson Meet the Therapist is a new video series by Tracey Butler, Director of Links to Learning in Australia. Tracey is our international representative for Australia and New… Tags links to learning, listening therapy, meet the therapist, music listening therapy, music therapy Read more
Meet the Therapist – Kelly Kroeger Meet the Therapist is a new video series by Tracey Butler, Director of Links to Learning in Australia. Tracey is our international representative for Australia and New… Tags links to learning, listening therapy, meet the therapist, music listening therapy, music therapy Read more
Meet the Therapist – Tanya McDonald Meet the Therapist is a new video series by Tracey Butler, Director of Links to Learning in Australia. Tracey is our international representative for Australia and New… Tags links to learning, listening therapy, meet the therapist, music listening therapy, music therapy Read more