Many people have a general awareness of the stress levels in their life, but few know the direct effects that stress can have on their physical and emotional well-being. Research is now demonstrating the incredible healing power each of our bodies has, to overcome illnesses and ailments, by simply lowering stress levels. By focusing on inner healing and less stress, people are finding relief from anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and many other physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Accessing effective and easily implemented methods for reducing stress is the first step to promoting healing from the inside out.
For many people under large amounts of stress, escaping or minimizing stress often seem impossible or overwhelming. A parent who has small children, a person with intense emotions or intrusive thoughts, an executive of a company, or a person working two jobs, for example, might assume stress is a natural part of their daily lives and something that simply can’t change.
The good news is that even when external stressors can’t be changed, there is still hope to minimize stress, which doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may sound. In fact, it can happen by simply wearing a pair of headphones and enjoying scientifically designed music for 15 minutes daily. Instead of changing the outside influences causing stress, The Listening Program, a music listening therapy program designed to help a person’s brain to better tolerate the demands of daily life, can lead to a person experiencing less stress, which can result in improved mood, and physical health, even when external influences can’t change.
The Physical and Emotional Impact of Stress
The body is designed to heal itself naturally through a process called the Cell Danger Response (CDR). The CDR happens naturally all the time, in each cell of our bodies. The process is halted when the body senses stress, anxiety, fear, or other intense emotion similar to these, in which case the body diverts energy to the fight, flight, or freeze response. When a person spends too much time experiencing these emotions, the cells get stuck in this CDR cycle, unable to heal the cell, therefore leaving the body in various states of illness.
Chronic stress on the brain leads understandably to sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, decreased cognitive function, poor memory, and other brain dysfunction. However, it also leads to weakened immune function, poorer GI function, fatigue, muscle tension, pain, and other negative physical effects.
– Dr. Allen Lewis
Stress has a compounding effect, making life more difficult to tolerate the longer it remains in place in a person’s life. Reducing that stress has an equally prominent effect on a person’s life, just as it did for Maria, a woman who suffered from PTSD, sleep deprivation, and social anxiety, resulting in lost work skills. She found TLP, hoping it would help in some way, and was surprised at the benefits she felt after just a few months. Maria shares her story in her own words:
“14 years ago I suffered a bout of depression, believed to be brought on essentially by years of lack of sleep due to having 3 young children.
I pursued natural alternatives to medication. I realized I wasn’t coping as well as usual. The music [of TLP] felt like a security blanket that I was able to completely melt into and trust. Within only 1-2 weeks, I became aware that I was no longer crying every day. I felt more in control of my emotions and I had regained some of my composure.
After I completed 20 days of the program I was able to hold a conversation and relate a story without becoming upset. I felt more centered and grounded and my thoughts had become clearer and more organized. I noticed I don’t mind answering the phone again at work. I could organize myself, my family, and my work with a sense of calm. I realized that I was better able to sequence time and events and plan forward without being anxious or stressed about what was upcoming in my life. I’m now more content with what I’ve achieved in a day instead of stressing about what I hadn’t done.” – Maria, adult, PTSD
While Maria’s external situation didn’t change, the music helped heal her from the inside, allowing her to better manage and cope with the external demands of her daily life. The music lowered her stress levels, allowing her cells to complete the CDR cycle, naturally healing various aspects of her daily life, and allowing her to function at an optimal level.
Reducing Stress Naturally with TLP
It is commonly known that there are many active ways of reducing stress, such as regular physical activity, deep breathing, meditation, and spending time with loved ones. While all of those can be great, they can also be difficult to organize or achieve during times of heightened emotions, which makes those activities all feel out of reach. Utilizing a tool that doesn’t require much effort can provide a springboard for anyone who feels too overwhelmed to implement anything rigorous.
Another listener, a woman named Suzanne, who was 47 years old, and suffering from depression, mentioned:
The simplicity of the music makes it an effective natural way to minimize stress without worrying about adding additional practices to the day. A listener can enjoy as little as 15 minutes a day of simple relaxation or gentle movement while listening to scientifically designed music, and still, experience great shifts in overall functioning. This happens because the specially designed music activates the vagus nerve, promoting a state of relaxation and peace that can carry over into the rest of the day. Over time, new neural networks are created at a lower stress level, helping a person to create a baseline of less stress in the months and years following the program. With lower levels of stress, bodies begin to heal in other ways as well.
Anna, a teen who was ”diagnosed with ODD, Paranoia, mood disorders, and ADD” felt this shift profoundly in her life. Her high levels of stress compounded her already sensitive sensory system, making it hard for her to be around other noises, lights, and unpredictable environments. Before starting TLP she noted “my brain scan was so bad it looked like I was on drugs.TLP has a special place in my story. Due to my continuing sensitivities, TLP helps reduce them, and it helps me recover after sounds or other things that bother me.” It brought a peace and clarity to Anna, which she’s able to enjoy due to her lowered stress levels and better overall health.
The process of lowering stress through TLP has been documented in studies, like the one called “Evaluation of Listening Training with Adults with stress-related Symptoms in Primary Health Care.”
The study looked specifically at how TLP with combined air and bone conduction could help adults suffering from Burnout and Stress, compared to those who solely participate in psychotherapy to reduce stress.

Two randomized groups were treated either by a psychologist or with TLP for 20 weeks. There were sixteen subjects, 8 per group. Each participant completed two standardized stress and burnout questionnaires.
The Stress and Crisis Inventory (SCI-93) results are seen on the left, and Shirom Melamed Burnout Questionnaire is on the right.
The listening group shows statistically significant improvement compared to the baseline at ten weeks, 20 weeks, and eight months, with no meaningful improvement in the psychologist group.
Not only did the listening patients improve, but they also maintained their gains well after listening stopped, demonstrating the staying power of the changes.
This study was replicated with the same group size with almost identical outcomes.
Healing from the Inside Out
Millions of people across the globe, each with varying circumstances, ailments, and physical and mental abilities have found relief with TLP. The profound benefits of such a simple program are available to listeners of all ages and abilities. In addition to the stories shared above, Jane is a person who experienced this shift in her own life. Previously she hadn’t had profound stress or any specific ailment that needed healing. She wanted to improve her mental wellness and enjoy a more fulfilled life.
After trying The Listening Program for five weeks, Jane one day recounted:
“I felt so strong that I took immediate action to tackle a matter that I had been postponing for a long time and felt very anxious about. Now the anxiety was gone. I handled this confidently and dealt with the confrontation and consequences. There was a strong mental push to do this as it was so front of mind and had to be expressed and voiced.
For me, this process created a shift of mental and emotional energy, but when all the stars lined up and the mind and body rhythms were in sync- personal strength was born. A strength that liberated expression released feelings, and dictated the action. It was an internal transformation.”
Once again, the transformation started internally with a shift in how she responded to otherwise anxious events, thanks to the rewiring of her fight or flight response with the help of The Listening Program.
Many physical, emotional, and mental struggles are rooted in stress and can be improved naturally by reducing stress with The Listening Program. These are just a few examples of the healing that can happen, from the inside out, by simply enjoying the neuroacoustically designed, scientifically-backed music listening therapy program, TLP.