This is a monumental day. My “new brain” is working much more effectively than I ever imagined. My once-overwhelmingly messy office is becoming more easily organized with this improved brain function ability. As a frequent user of The Listening Program® (TLP), I recognize occasional surges of improvement. They are cause to celebrate.
I’m on my second week of using BrainBuilder® to increase my focus. Spurts of increased ability followed by lack of awareness with incorrect responses during the exercises were obvious. Thus, my number 1 client must be myself. I listen to one TLP SPECTRUM Module (I’m on #78) combined with the inTime Base schedule (I am on week 4) 5 days/week.
In non-technical language, my brain has obviously had some loose ends, inabilities and disconnections. I have struggled with a life-long challenge in the area of task performance. Nowhere has my “disconnect” manifested itself more than in my home office. It has been an area to avoid until today.
Loose cords, stacks of papers and incomplete notebooks are now coming together without effort and are being shelved in easy-to-find places. Along with a sense of satisfaction comes the impression I will be able to maintain this order. My brain seems to be learning to work in harmony with my energy and desires.
I just connected my ergonomic keyboard to my Mac. It is connected to a new larger screen. Now I can go to work with greater comfort. Most of all, my brain seems more connected.
I just had to take a break from my work to note the miracle.