TLP supports a family of a child with autism. Pure Living Podcast interview with Mandy Doman

Shawn and Angela Blymiller share their self-awareness journey through their son Theo’s Autism and PANDAS diagnoses.

Tags Autism, The Listening Program

Autism Spa speaks with Dr. Allen T. Lewis, Founder, Sancta Familia Center for Integrative Medicine

Autism Spa episode #8 speaks with ABT Clinical Director Dr. Allen T. Lewis

Tags Autism, The Listening Program

Your Brain is Better on Music | Alex Doman | TEDxOgden

Have you ever listened to music to relax, study or exercise? If so, you’ve likely experienced the therapeutic benefits of music. In this insightful talk, Alex Doman…

Tags Autism, The Listening Program

Treating Autism and The Listening Program

Hope for healing for people with autism! It’s true, in this insightful interview with ABT Clinical Director, Allen T. Lewis, MD, parents, caregivers, and service providers working…

Tags Autism, The Listening Program

TLP and Autism, a Success Story

In this short and sweet video testimonial, Kalise’s mom shares how The Listening Program has helped her daughter in countless ways, but especially to reduce her sound…

Tags Autism, Testimonials, The Listening Program

How Does The Listening Program Help People With Autism?

In this interview with Kristin from Autism Hope Alliance, you’ll learn what The Listening Program is, and how it helps people with Autism.

Tags Autism, The Listening Program

Autism Approved talks with Alex Doman

Autism Approved talks with Alex Doman, founder and CEO of Advanced Brain Technologies and author of Healing at the Speed of Sound®. What is The Listening Program®…

Tags Autism