
Bone Conduction Audio System


Waves is a multi-sensory system used to provide the ultimate immersive listening experience and results with The Listening Program®. Instead of listening to our beautiful music solely through your ears, you absorb it, feeling the sound move through you using the two natural sound pathways your brain uses to hear. Our newest bone conduction headphone system is more effective than ever, and it has been custom-designed especially for music listening therapy. With a larger bone conductor, a more powerful amplifier, and robust components, Waves™ gentle vibrations and pure sound will transport you from the moment you start listening.

The Listening Program® Approved Headphones [read article] Waves Product Features – Click here Why bone conduction headphones? Using the two natural modes of hearing — through your ears and through your head — delivers a deeper listening experience than conventional headphones can provide. Not only does the Waves™ system make your daily listening more enjoyable, it accelerates and expands the benefits of your listening practice. Benefits of bone conduction:
  • Supports stress reduction and regulation of the "fight or flight" response, to help achieve a state of calm and relaxed/alertness; especially helpful for people with sensory sensitivities.
  • Two modes of listening help improve sensory awareness, supporting brain functions responsible for posture, balance, muscle movement, and motor skills.
  • Using The Listening Program with combined bone and air conduction offers internal and external sound stimulation, which increases vocal awareness and supports the development and refinement of language and communication skills.
Suitable for all ages 1 year manufacturer warranty

SKU: WAVES Category:
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